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Do You Wanto to go

Whale Watching With us?

Observação de Baleias 01
Cauda de Baleia-Jubarte
Observação de Baleias 02
Amigos da Jubarte
Next season: 
June - October

Very few people know that Espírito Santo is a great whale watching destination. During high season it only takes 30-60 minutes by boat from Vitória (state capital) to see the first humpback whales. To explore this opportunity in a sustainable manner and provide an alternative livelihood for fisherman and traditional coastal communities, we and our partners created the project "Amigos da Jubarte" (Friends of the Humpback Whales). You can choose from one of our approved and trained agencies to safely take you and your family to meet the gentle giants of the ocean. Your visit to Brazil wouldn't be complete without this trip!

Whale watching tourism has grown substantially since the mid-1980s. It is of particular importance to developing countries. Coastal communities have started to profit directly from the whales' presence, significantly adding to popular support for the protection of these animals and supporting the creation of marine protected areas and sanctuaries. Every year, humpback whales migrate from Antarctica to the warm waters of Espírito Santo to mate and give birth. Humpback whales are renowned for their spectacular behaviour. Humpbacks will leap out of the water, roll in the air with their huge pectoral fins outstretched like wings, and crash noisily back into the water. From June to October each year, humpbacks can be observed exhibiting this spectacular behavior just a few miles off the coast of Espírito Santo's capital, Vitória. 

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+55 (27) 3500-0937

Rua Amarilio Lunz - 16 

Bairro República - Vitória, ES - Brazil

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